Capital Campaign
Leadership Giving Recognition
We continue to recognize our generous Leadership Giving Donors who helped us build our permanent food pantry.
They opened their hearts and helped us continue our mission.
We are forever grateful for their gifts.
Toni A Wisne Foundation
Radiant Beacons
$25,000 - $49,999
Kelley & Rick Kirchner
Anne Lehker & Sam Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rudnick in Honor of:
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rudnick & Mrs. Delores Clinton
Bob & Rena Swanson
Bob & Lisa Willard
Gleaming Torches
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (4)
Advance Concrete Products Co.
Jim & Leslie Baker
Paradise Designs
Marilyn Stepanek
The Kroger Co.
Lyle & Denise Tyler
Shining Lanterns
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (6)
Carter Lumber Company
James & Cheryl Coleman
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Jim Groat
Knights of Columbus
- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council No. 7444
Huron Valley State Bank
Doris (Landry) & Jon Kruse
Tom & Eileen Landry
Milford Redi-Mix Company
Bob & Ilene Miller
Greg & Mary Jo Oldford
Sandra & Thomas Riss
Peter & Carol Walters
Bright Candles
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous Donors (18)
Kathie Abraham
Advantage Tax Services, Inc.
Susan J. Anderson
Bailey Construction LLC
Pamela & David Bell
Mike Bellocco
Tim & Holly Brandt
Chuck & Judy Cooper
Lindsay Cotter
Renee & Dennis Craig
Crystal Boomer to Honor Mel & Carrie Boomer
Christine Burke
Jim & Carol Cox
Judi Crawford
DHI Equipment
Darel & Sara Dickens
Lisa & David Dickey
Cody & Audrey Dunbar
Five Star Supply
Tami & Kip Flowers
Beth Frydlewicz
Janeen Galazen
Jerry & Judy Ganzel
Don & Peggy Green
Heavner Canoe Rental
Highland Garden Club
Highland Lodge No. 2370 - Loyal Order of Moose
Highland Twp Fire Assoc - Highland Goodfellows
Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce
Barb & Ray Keller
Jerry & Martha Klemmer
Mary & Gary Krebs
LaFontaine Automotive Group
John "Jack" F. LaHaie, Jr., "In Memory Of"
Gus & Marge LaRuffa
David & Roberta Lennie
Cory & Julia Lupinacci
Linda & James Mallon
Gerald & Virginia Mantela
Jeff Masters
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McFarland
Mi Abilities, Inc.
Pam & Jeff Micallef
Paola & Bob Nisonger
Douglas & Ellen Reed
Richard G. Russell Jr. & Lisa M. Austin
Marian & Paul Schreiber
Cheryl Soden
Joe & Carol Strauss
Suzanne Tent
Jennifer Thrift Photography
Thrive Church of Highland
Scott Waldman
Dan & Jennifer Wohletz
Beverly Ziegler